Security Assessments
What are Security Assessments?
Security assessments are practical exercises in analyzing the current state of your organization's security.
The term security has become so integral to the day-in day-out of a business that assessments can look very different from one another.
The purpose of any assessment is to understand the current state of the business and in what way can the processes be improved.
Why do Security Assessments Matter?
Technology is evolving, and with that so are the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) of threat actors.
Security Assessments are crucial to ensuring that your business has a solid security posture and is able to withstand the inevitable cyber event.
How can REDBLUE LABS help?
RedBlue Labs has years of experience executing Security Assessments.
Quite often client's initially believe that in order to secure their environment they need to sign on for a huge multi-tiered project. While these exist, budget restraints are an issue. At RedBlue Labs we recommend you start with a Vulnerability Assessment. This will help you get an idea of where your organization stands in regards to cyber security. With that you can make an informed decision on how to proceed.
Some assessment types that we do:
Penetration Tests(Physical/Virtual)
Internal Vulnerability Assessment
Security Controls and Policy Gap Analysis
Information Systems Audits
Configuration Management Audits
Active Directory
Other security endpoints and critical business assets.
Internal/External Application Analysis